Every marketer’s dream is to have their ideal audience and potential clients come to them. No banner ads, spam marketing emails, or annoying commercials necessary – and it make an advertiser’s job easier. Hands-free marketing is the goal, right? How do you make the marketing process so easy that your clients find you before they…
Category: engagement

Your Speakers are Your Biggest Assets
A conference relies heavily on its content to market the event – which makes a lot of sense. If you see a movie trailer and hate the concept behind it, you aren’t likely to pay money to go see it, let alone waste your time with it. Therefore, it is extremely important to have talented,…

First Steps to a Virtual Event
If you’re working on a virtual conference or convention, you already know your goals… so what really are your first steps? Contact your speakers!

Help Viewers Understand First
Many people approach a webcast or virtual conference session as an opportunity to sell. This ends up driving the content for the session, and it drives the focus and presentation style as well. While it’s certainly possible to present a “pre-sales” type presentation with information about your product or service in hopes of driving the…

Fundamental Choices: Live vs. Pre-Recorded or Pre-Produced
One thing we constantly work with clients on understanding is the use of pre-recorded, or pre-produced sessions vs. live, on-the-air content. Generally speaking, the decision from a quality and control standpoint is extremely clear. You want to pre-record your sessions. Why is this? It comes down to quality of content and control of your event….

Do Virtual Events Hurt Your In-Person Events?
This question comes up quite a bit. The short answer… if you do it right, is… No. If you can market the virtual event in conjunction with the in-person event, you end up boosting the value of the in-person event. If you market one, then move to the other, then back again, the messaging can…

Keep Virtual Event Attendees Engaged
Keeping attendees engaged is a tough battle with an online event. Let’s face it, distractions abound! Email arrives, instant messages beckon, heck just typing a new URL in the browser is a threat to their attention to your event. What can you do to retain attendees – to keep their attention and make the event…

Foolproof Marketing Strategy – Across All Channels
A question people are always asking is, “How do you profit from _____?” The entire point of marketing, digital or otherwise, is always trying to turn a profit. That’s the point of selling products or services, right? Wrong. I’m going to tell you a secret that I’ve learned from endlessly researching “how to market correctly.”…

Great Resource for your Digital Marketing Projects
If you haven’t seen it, check out The Outreach Marketing Virtual Summit (it’s free) – it includes key information from a whole host of experts. There is so much great information in this free event – it’s incredible. Here’s the direct link: http://www.vconferenceonline.com/event/home.aspx?id=1092 This was a project by GroupHigh, an outreach marketing firm that rocks…

Producing Content – horses for courses
Why Virtual? Josh Harrison Producer vConferenceOnline Producing Content – horses for courses So I talked about the importance of video in creating an engaging presentation. So for this last article let’s get into some real world HOW. You’ve decided “Josh is right, we should use video in our event.” Congratulations, you’ve made the right choice!…