While online events are gaining traction, there still are many reasons to have in-person events. Some sponsors prefer in-person booths, some attendees enjoy the chance to leave the office for a few days, and other reasons. However, you may still want the opportunity to reach a larger audience – sponsors who like the option of…
Tag: online conference
Virtual Events are Too Expensive!
The cost of virtual or online events is a really big factor when deciding whether or not to host an event this way. Marketing budgets are always pretty tight and approaching the Powers That Be for a budget boost or with a new idea can be nerve-wracking. Luckily, I can set your mind at ease…
Simplifying Online Events
Continuing with the theme of “biggest concerns about online events,” another worry I hear from clients is that hosting virtual events just seem so complicated. This is understandable when you’re approaching a medium you haven’t utilized before or even changing hosting platforms. There is a bit of a learning curve usually when starting a new type…
How to have Successful Interaction with Virtual Events
The most common concern people express about virtual events – webcasts, online classes, or virtual conferences/trade shows – is the apparent lack of communication between the hosts/speakers and the attendees of the event. Without face-to-face interaction, many are concerned that they will be unable to truly connect with their attendees and will therefore not have…
Getting beyond Marketing Emails
Every marketer’s dream is to have their ideal audience and potential clients come to them. No banner ads, spam marketing emails, or annoying commercials necessary – and it make an advertiser’s job easier. Hands-free marketing is the goal, right? How do you make the marketing process so easy that your clients find you before they…
5 Reasons Why a Virtual Conference Will be More Successful for You
Events are inherently marketing for the companies involved. Whether the event is meant to be educational, networking, or simply a tradeshow, the end-goal for those arranging the event is marketing. Most companies have a pretty strict budget for all things, but marketing is difficult to quantify, since the results aren’t always immediate or easy to measure….
First Steps to a Virtual Event
If you’re working on a virtual conference or convention, you already know your goals… so what really are your first steps? Contact your speakers!
Great Resource for your Digital Marketing Projects
If you haven’t seen it, check out The Outreach Marketing Virtual Summit (it’s free) – it includes key information from a whole host of experts. There is so much great information in this free event – it’s incredible. Here’s the direct link: http://www.vconferenceonline.com/event/home.aspx?id=1092 This was a project by GroupHigh, an outreach marketing firm that rocks…
Producing Content – horses for courses
Why Virtual? Josh Harrison Producer vConferenceOnline Producing Content – horses for courses So I talked about the importance of video in creating an engaging presentation. So for this last article let’s get into some real world HOW. You’ve decided “Josh is right, we should use video in our event.” Congratulations, you’ve made the right choice!…
To Video or not to Video – Slides and a Webcam
Why Virtual? Josh Harrison Producer vConferenceOnline To Video or not to Video – Slides and a Webcam I will admit right off the bat that I am a bit biased towards video for online events. “Like TV”. By which I mean seeing a person’s face not just hearing their voice. But ask yourself… which do…